Ingredients 1 cup quinoa 2 cups chicken or vegetable stock 6 small bell peppers, mixed colors, seeded and halved 3 tablespoons EVOO, plus extra for drizzling Salt and freshly ground black pepper 4 cloves garlic, thinly sliced 1 small firm eggplant, trimmed of half the skin, chopped 1 small to medium firm zucchini, seeded and […]
Vegan Corner
Cranberry Coconut Bars
Cranberry coconut bars are a great quick easy dessert you can serve you guests at any gathering. These vegan cranberry coconut bars will be a great compliment to you recipe arsenal. So many people think you have to spend all day in the kitchen to make a great dessert. This is not the case. Within […]
Eating Healthy and Your Kids
Eating healthy is hard enough for adults much less children. Because some children don’t understand the benefits of eating healthy getting them to eat right can be a challenge. However, as parents and guardians it falls to us to make sure our kids eat healthy meals. Not society, TV, church, or even friends and family […]
Ground Cinnamon and Health
Ground cinnamon is available all throughout the year. Its sweet fragrant smell is good to add to all kinds of foods and drinks. Ground cinnamon has been used for decades as both a medicine and a spice. The Ground cinnamon you and I know is really the bark of the cinnamon tree. It comes in […]
Vegan’s Live Longer Widgets We all want to live longer, healthier more productive lives. Well studies have shown that people that opt for a plant based diet rather than a meat based diet do live longer. In a study done by Loma Linda University in California showed that vegetarians do indeed live longer than non vegetarians. The […]
Cooking Without Milk Widgets Giving up milk products is often the biggest challenge for vegans. It’s not easy to forget that dairy products like milk is vital to many meal favorites. From cheese on pizza to butter in cakes and cookies, milk products are used in almost everything. Not to mention whey and casein,both dairy products are […]